Indagini Ambito Aziendale

Indagini Ambito Aziendale

“We seek to invest in well positioned companies with strategic improvement potential and partner with management teams to create value by driving revenue and earnings growth.”

Indagini volte a risolvere questioni afferenti la propria attività aziendale: Azioni illecite da parte del prestatore di lavoro, quali infedeltà professionale, concorrenza sleale, fraudolenta fruizione dei permessi previsti dalla legge 104 del 1992, fraudolenta malattia.

Informazioni per il recupero credito, infedeltà dei soci, controllo sui furti, ammanco di merce da parte di dipendenti e esterni.

Areas of Expertise

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Efficiently grow your business

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Identify centers of influence

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Serve small accounts efficiently

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Create brand awareness

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Achieve a leveraged model

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Increase your profitability

Responsible for our investments in a company and closely involved throughout the life of the partnership.

Model Strategies

  • One
  • Two

We employ a long-established strategy of operationally intensive, sector-focused investing across all of our markets globally. We seek to invest in well-positioned companies with operational and strategic improvement potential and partner with management teams to create value by driving revenue and earnings growth.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Areas of Expertise

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Socially Responsible Investing

Tax Mitigation Strategies

Comprehensive Financial Plans

Investment Management

Comprehensive Financial Plans

Model Strategies

The ongoing shift from cash and checks to card-based, online and mobile payments continues to drive secular growth in the industry.

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